Messy Church sessions themes

Published 19th December 2018 by rachel tranter

This is a comprehensive list of Messy Church sessions. Some are freely available on the website and some are from our paid books and resources.

Resource title Session Themes New or Old Testament? Bible passage
Get Messy! May 2013 Pentecost – invisible God Pentecost  New/Old John 20:22; Ezekiel 37; Acts 2
Get Messy! June 2013 Amy Carmichael Historical character New/Old Matthew 28:18–20; Jeremiah 29:11
Get Messy! July 2013 Calming the storm Jesus’ miracle New Matthew 8:23–27
Get Messy! August 2013 Zacchaeus Jesus’ friend New Luke 19:1–10
Get Messy! September 2013 The sower Parable New Matthew 13:1–23; Mark 4:1–9
Get Messy! October 2013 Halloween Halloween New Romans 8:37–39
Get Messy! November 2013 Death/heaven Jesus’ teaching New John 14:1–7
Get Messy! December 2013 Christmas Christmas New Matthew 1:18—2:12; Luke 2:1–20
Get Messy! January 2014 Samson Biblical character Old Judges 13—16
Get Messy! February 2014 Timothy Family New 2 Timothy 1:5
Get Messy! March 2014 Easter Easter New Luke 22:39–43
Get Messy! April 2014 The world we live in Creation Old Psalm 148
Get Messy! May 2014 Pentecost – power Pentecost New Acts 2
Get Messy! June 2014 Philippian jailer/New beginnings Family New Acts 16:16–34
Get Messy! July 2014 Fiery furnace Biblical character Old Daniel 3
Get Messy! August 2014 Women at the well Jesus’ teaching New John 4:1–42
Get Messy! September 2014 Money – man with bigger barns Jesus’ teaching New Luke 12:13–21
Get Messy! October 2014 Halloween – your body is a temple Halloween New 1 Corinthians 6:19; Psalm 139
Get Messy! November 2014 Lazarus, Martha and Mary Jesus’ friend New John 11
Get Messy! December 2014 Christmas – powerlessness Christmas New Luke 2:1–40; Matthew 1—2
Get Messy! January 2015 Prayer – Pharisee and tax collector Jesus’ teaching New Luke 18:9–14
Get Messy! February 2015 Jesus’ temptations (I will give you all of this if…) The world New Matthew 4:1–11
Get Messy! March 2015 Healing Bartimaeus Jesus’ miracle New Mark 10:36–52
Get Messy! April 2015 Easter – love Easter New John 3:16, 19
Get Messy! May 2015 Pentecost – unity in community Pentecost New Acts 4:32–34
Get Messy! June 2015 Trinity – the great commission Jesus’ teaching New Matthew 28:16–20
Get Messy! July 2015 Healing the paralysed man on the roof Jesus’ miracle New Luke 5:17–26
Get Messy! August 2015 Servanthood – footwashing The world New John 13:1–17; Mark 9:33–37
Get Messy! September 2015 Harvest – hospitality Harvest New Luke 14:15–32
Get Messy! October 2015 Halloween – freedom (Moses) Halloween Old Exodus 1—12
Get Messy! November 2015 Remembrance Remembrance Old Zechariah 10:9; Psalm 137
Get Messy! December 2015 Christmas Christmas New John 1
Get Messy! January 2016 Beginnings and endings – Simeon and Anna Biblical character New Luke 2:21–40
Get Messy! February 2016 Bread and wine – the last supper Jesus’ teaching New Matthew 26:17–30
Get Messy! March 2016 Easter – the cross sacrifice (Good Friday)  Easter New Luke 24:1–12
Get Messy! April 2016 Widow’s mite – hope, justice, freedom, kingdom Jesus’ teaching New Luke 21:1–4
Get Messy! May 2016 Pentecost – our worldwide family Pentecost New Colossians 1:6–14
Get Messy! June 2016 Trinity – valley of dry bones Trinity Old Ezekiel 37:1–14
Get Messy! July 2016 Handling our worries Jesus’ teaching New Matthew 6:25–34
Get Messy! August 2016 Team Jesus (Rio Olympics) Jesus’ friend New Mark 3:13–19
Get Messy! September 2016 Harvest – the ten lepers Harvest New Luke 17:11–19
Get Messy! October 2016 Halloween – salt and light Halloween New Matthew 5:13–19
Get Messy! November 2016 Trusting God Christian lifestyle Old Psalm 23
Get Messy! December 2016 Christmas – the annunciation Christmas New Luke 1:26–38
Get Messy! January 2017 Samuel – listening to God Biblical character Old 1 Samuel 1—3
Get Messy! February 2017 Hidden treasure Parable New Matthew 13:44–46
Get Messy! March 2017 The unforgiving servant Parable New Luke 18:21–35
Get Messy! April 2017 Easter – Mary annoints Jesus Easter New Mark 14:3–9
Get Messy! May 2017 Elijah – still, small voice Biblical character Old 1 Kings 18—19
Get Messy! June 2017 The lost son Parable New Luke 15:11–32
Get Messy! July 2017 John the Baptust Jesus’ friend New Mark 1:1–11
Get Messy! August 2017 The centurian’s servant Jesus’ miracle New Matthew 8; Luke 7:1–10
Get Messy! September 2017 Trinity – built together by the Holy Spirit Trinity New Ephesians 2:21; Genesis 11
Get Messy! October 2017 Halloween – the ten bridesmaids Jesus’ parable New Matthew 25:1–13
Get Messy! November 2017 Remembrance – Holy Spirit as comforter Remembrance New John 14:15–27
Get Messy! December 2017 Christmas – Joseph Christmas New Luke 2; Matthew 1:18–25
Get Messy! January 2018 Stairway to heaven Old Testament Old Genesis 28:10–22
Get Messy! February 2018 Mothering Sunday – Jesus’ mother and brothers Family New Matthew 12:46–50
Get Messy! March 2018 Easter – thieves on the cross Easter New Luke 23:32–43
Get Messy! April 2018 The dead girl and the sick woman Jesus’ miracle New Matthew 9:18–26
Get Messy! May 2018 Pentecost – ‘I am with you always’ Pentecost New Matthew 28:16–20
Get Messy! June 2018 Money and things – Jesus and the rich young man Jesus’ teaching New Mark 10:17–27
Get Messy! July 2018 Self-image – wonderfully made Christian lifestyle Old Psalm 139:14
Get Messy! August 2018 Eco-theme The world Old Genesis 1:26–31
Get Messy! September 2018 Worries and hopes – the cost of being a disciple Christian lifestyle New Matthew 8:19–20
Get Messy! October 2018 Halloween – feeling safe Halloween New Luke 15:1–7
Get Messy! November 2018 Remembrance – being listened to by adults Remembrance Old 2 Kings 5:1–14
Get Messy! December 2018 Christmas – self-worth/God’s love Christmas New John 3:16
Get Messy! January 2019 Neighbours – Jesus when he was 12 Jesus’ teaching New Luke 2:41–52
Get Messy! February 2019 Self-confidence – Gideon Christian lifestyle Old Judges 6
Get Messy! March 2019 Friends/kindness – Jesus and the woman caught in adultery Jesus’ teaching New John 8:1–11
Get Messy! April 2019 Easter – Jesus and the cross Easter New Matthew 27—28
Get Messy! May 2019 Prayer Holy Habits New Luke 18:1–8
Get Messy! June 2019 Making More Disciples Holy Habits Old Genesis 15:1–6
Get Messy! July 2019 Worship Holy Habits Old Psalm 8
Get Messy! August 2019 Fellowship Holy Habits Old Genesis 2:4–7, 18–22
Get Messy! September 2019 Gladness and Generosity Holy Habits Old Malachi 3:1–12
Get Messy! October 2019 Biblical Teaching Holy Habits New Ephesians 6:10–20
Get Messy! November 2019 Eating Together Holy Habits New Luke 24:13–35
Get Messy! December 2019 Christmas – small is mighty Christmas New Luke 2:4–20
Get Messy! January 2020 Sharing Resources Holy Habits New Matthew 25:31–40
Get Messy! February 2020 Serving Holy Habits New Matthew 7:24–29
Get Messy! March 2020 Breaking Bread Holy Habits New Acts 20:7–12
Get Messy! April 2020 Easter – The biggest miracle ever Holy Habits New John 19:26–35
Get Messy! May 2020 Down by the river Christian lifestyle New Acts 8:26–40
Get Messy! June 2020 Do not fear, just have faith Jesus’ miracle New Mark 5:21–43
Get Messy! July 2020 Jonah’s Messy Olympics Biblical character Old Jonah 1
Get Messy! August 2020 God vs water Christian lifestyle New Matthew 14:22–33
Get Messy! September 2020 It only took one stone Biblical character Old 1 Samuel 17:32–50
Get Messy! October 2020 Paul and Silas Biblical character New Acts 16:25–35
Get Messy! November 2020 Shine like a star Jesus’ teaching New Matthew 5:14–16
Get Messy! December 2020 Christ(mas) is here Christmas New Luke 2:4–18
Get Messy! January 2021 Good Samaritan Jesus’ teaching New Luke 10:30–37
Get Messy! February 2021 Choosing God’s voice Jesus’ teaching New Matthew 4:1–11
Get Messy! March 2021 Mum’s big day out Mother’s Day Old Ruth 1—4
Get Messy! April 2021 The stone’s been rolled away Easter New Matthew 28
Get Messy! May 2021 Blinded into seeing Biblical character New Acts 9:3–18
Get Messy! June 2021 Don’t bury your talents Christian lifestyle New Matthew 25:14–30
Get Messy! July 2021 The rich young ruler Jesus’ teaching New Mark 10:10–17
Get Messy! August 2021 Two by two The world Old Genesis 6:5–6
Get Messy! September 2021 Trusting is believing Christian lifestyle New Mark 10:46–52
Get Messy! October 2021 Alone and scared Biblical character Old 1 Kings 17
Get Messy! November 2021 Sew miraculous! Christian lifestyle New Acts 9:36–43
Get Messy! December 2021 The birth of Jesus Christmas New Luke 2
Get Messy! January 2022 The parable of the lost coin Jesus’ parable New Luke 15:8–10
Get Messy! February 2022 Justice for all Biblical character Old 1 Kings 21
Get Messy! March 2022 Celebrating small Jesus’ parable New Matthew 13:31–35
Get Messy! April 2022 The greatest love story ever told Easter New Matthew 26:1–5
Get Messy! May 2022 Pillar of comfort Old Testament Old Exodus 13:20–22
Get Messy! June 2022 It’s all about fishing Jesus’ teaching New Mark 1:16–20
Get Messy! July 2022 Zac’s up the tree Jesus’ teaching New Luke 19:1–10
Get Messy! August 2022 Forgiveness is a loving action Christian lifestyle New Matthew 18:21–35
Get Messy! September 2022 Share like sheep Christian lifestyle New Matthew 25:31–46
Get Messy! October 2022 God’s love for the planet Creation care Old Job 38—42
Get Messy! November 2022 All are welcome in God’s family Christian community New Galatians 3:26–29
Get Messy! December 2022 We were there – are you? Christmas New Luke 2:1–38
Get Messy! January 2023 Are you willing? Jesus’ teaching New Luke 5:12–16
Get Messy! February 2023 Everyone is welcome at the party Jesus’ teaching New Luke 14:1–23
Get Messy! March 2023 Heavenly hope Jesus’ teaching New Matthew 5:1–12
Get Messy! April 2023 Redeemed Easter New Matthew 27:45–56
Get Messy! May 2023 Who will help us? Pentecost New John 15:26; Acts 2:1–12, 38–39
Get Messy! June 2023 Grumbling meets grace The exodus Old Exodus 16:1–8, 34–35
Get Messy! July 2023 Creation jar Creation acre Old Genesis 1:1, 24–31
Get Messy! August 2023 The gift of sabbath Christian lifestyle Old and New Exodus 20:8–11; Mark 6:30–31
Get Messy! Vol 1 September Care for our world Creation care Old Psalm 24:1–2; Psalm 65:6–13
Get Messy! Vol 1 October All together now Christian living Old Genesis 47:1–12
Get Messy! Vol 1 November Fabulous new city for everyone The new creation Old Zechariah 8:1–23
Get Messy! Vol 1  December Christmas around the fire Christmas New Luke 2:1–20
Get Messy! Vol 1  January All aboard! Christian lifestyle New Matthew 28:19–20
Get Messy! Vol 1  February Learning to live together Christian lifestyle Old and New Genesis 1:27; Micah 6:8; Mark 11:15–17; Galatians 3:28
Get Messy! Vol 1  March Seeing is believing Easter New Luke 24:1–12
Get Messy! Vol 1  April Peter’s discipleship Christian lifestyle New John 21:15–23
Get Messy! Vol 1  May God speaks my language Pentecost New Acts 2:1–8, 12, 14
Get Messy! Vol 1  June Shh! It’s a secret Christian lifestyle New Revelation 3:2
Get Messy! Vol 1  July The Olympics – running the race! Christian lifestyle New Hebrews 12:1–3
Get Messy! Vol 1  August Rediscovering God in creation Creation New Romans 1:20
Messy Adventures Wild and wiggly Creation care New Luke 19
Messy Adventures Wild and wilderness Creation care New Luke 4:1–13
Messy Adventures Wild and rocky Creation care New Matthew 7:24–25
Messy Adventures Wild woods Creation care New Luke 13:18–19
Messy Adventures Wild safari Creation care Old Genesis 1
Messy Adventures Wild life Creation care Old Ecclesiastes
Messy Church Goes Wild Holy in love with God’s world Creation care Old Genesis 1:27–28
Messy Church Goes Wild Where were you when? Creation care Old Job 38—41
Messy Church Goes Wild Jesus in the wilderness Creation care New Matthew 4:1–11
Messy Church Abraham and Sarah – we all belong to the same family Biblical character Old Genesis 12—21
Messy Church Joseph – trusting God Biblical character Old Genesis 37—50
Messy Church Moses – God’s rescue Biblical character Old Exodus 1—15
Messy Church Joshua – nothing is impossible for God Biblical character Old Judges 6
Messy Church I am the true vine I am sayings New John 15:1–11
Messy Church I am the light of the world I am sayings New John 8:12
Messy Church I am the good shepherd I am sayings New John 10:7–11
Messy Church Christmas Christmas New Luke 2:1–21; Matthew 1:18—2:15
Messy Church Creation – God is a creator God Creation Old Genesis 1:1—2:4
Messy Church Noah – a new start Biblical character Old Genesis 6:1—9:7
Messy Church New life in Jesus Easter New Luke 22—24
Messy Church New life in the Spirit Pentecost New Acts 2:1–13
Messy Church 2 Love God – God as our heavenly Father Parable New Luke 15:11–32
Messy Church 2 Love your neighbour Parable New Luke 10:25–37
Messy Church 2 Love your world Psalm Old Psalm 8
Messy Church 2 Christmas Christmas New Luke 2:1–21; Matthew 2:1–12
Messy Church 2 Jesus is found in the temple Jesus New Luke 2:41–52
Messy Church 2 Lent – Jesus and the devil Jesus New Luke 4:1–13
Messy Church 2 Spring festivals – Jesus’ death and resurrection Easter New John 19:16—20:10
Messy Church 2 Ruth Harvest Old Ruth
Messy Church 2 Hannah – prayer Biblical character Old 1 Samuel 1:1–28
Messy Church 2 Esther – God works through us Biblical character Old Esther 1:1—9:19
Messy Church 2 Who is God? – Creator God Christian basics Old Psalm 19:1
Messy Church 2 Who is Jesus? Christian basics New Matthew; Mark; Luke; John
Messy Church 2 Who is the Holy Spirit? Christian basics New Galatians 5:22–23
Messy Church 2 Messy baptism Sacrament New Ephesians 4:4–5
Messy Church 2 Messy Communion Sacrament New Matthew 26:17–30; Luke 22:19–20; 1 Corinthians 11:23–26
Messy Church 3 A new start – forgiveness Gospel New Luke 5:17–26
Messy Church 3 Love rules – love your neighbour Love New Luke 10:38–42
Messy Church 3 Mothers and others Mother’s Day New Luke 1:26—2:52
Messy Church 3 Easter Easter New John 18—20
Messy Church 3 The Holy Spirit Pentecost New Galatians 5:22–23
Messy Church 3 The Lord’s Prayer Prayer New Matthew 6:5–14
Messy Church 3 Blessing our communities Serving New Mark 4:30–32
Messy Church 3 Journeys – journey of the Christian life Journeys New Acts
Messy Church 3 Harvest – giving thanks Harvest New John 6:5–14
Messy Church 3 Light up the darkness – Jesus is the light of the world Halloween New Luke 11:33
Messy Church 3 Remember me Remembrance New Luke 23:32–43
Messy Church 3 Christmas Christmas New Luke 1—2
Messy Church 3 Money matters – counting our blessings Stewardship New Luke 21:1–4
Messy Church 3 Pets and peace – the family of God Animals Old Isaiah 11:1–3, 6–9
Messy Church 3 Healthy body, healthy soul – life in all its fullness Well-being New 1 Corinthians 12:12–27
Messy Hospitality Abraham and the three visitors Hospitality Old Genesis 18:1–15
Messy Hospitality The meals Jesus ate – accepting everyone Hospitality New Matthew 9:9–12
Messy Hospitality The last supper – more than just food Hospitality New Matthew 26:17–30
Messy Hospitality The early Church – working together Hospitality New Acts 6:1–4; Acts 28:7; Romans 12:13
Messy Hospitality The heavenly home – the hospitality of heaven Hospitality New Revelation 21:9—22:5
Messy Togetherness A shelter for all – building up the people of God Intergenerational Old Nehemiah 8:1–18
Messy Togetherness A family for all – all are welcome Intergenerational New Luke 2:22–38
Messy Togetherness A home for all – everyone has a role Intergenerational New 1 Corinthians 12:12–27
Messy Christmas Advent Christmas New Luke 2:1–7
Messy Christmas Christmas Christmas New Luke 2:1–21
Messy Christmas Epiphany Christmas New Matthew 2:1–12
Messy Easter Lent Easter New Matthew 4:1–11; Mark 1:12–13; Luke 4:1–13
Messy Easter Holy Week Easter New Matthew 21:1–11; Matthew 26:14–16, 36–68
Messy Easter Easter Easter New Matthew 28:1–15; Mark 16:1–18; Luke 24:1–49, John 20:1–31
Seriously Messy Remembering Death/life New 1 Corinthians 11:23–25
Seriously Messy Saying goodbye and hello Death/life New John 21:1–14
Seriously Messy Sleeping tight Death/life New John 12:24
Seriously Messy Being loved Death/life Old Psalm 23:4, 6
Seriously Messy Finding safe spaces Death/life Old Psalm 27:4–5
Holy Habits in Messy Church The Jesus habit Holy Habits New John 10:11–16
Holy Habits in Messy Church Gladness and Generosity Holy Habits New Luke 15:21–24
Holy Habits in Messy Church Making More Disciples Holy Habits New Matthew 28:16–20
Holy Habits in Messy Church Sharing Resources Holy Habits New Matthew 25:31–46
Holy Habits in Messy Church Serving Holy Habits New John 13:1–17
Holy Habits in Messy Church Biblical Teaching Holy Habits New Luke 24:13–35
Holy Habits in Messy Church Eating Together Holy Habits New Luke 5:27–32
Holy Habits in Messy Church Worship Holy Habits New Matthew 26:6–13
Holy Habits in Messy Church Prayer Holy Habits New Luke 11:1–12
Holy Habits in Messy Church Breaking Bread Holy Habits New John 21:1–14
Holy Habits in Messy Church Fellowship Holy Habits New John 15:1–17
Authorised Mess Messy beginnings Creation Old Genesis 1—2
Authorised Mess Moses – from bulrushes to burning bush Biblical character Old Exodus 2—4
Authorised Mess Moses – the great escape Biblical character Old Exodus 5—13
Authorised Mess Wholly holy – what does holy mean? Christian lifestyle Old Leviticus
Authorised Mess Journeying on and on Journeys Old Numbers
Authorised Mess Ruth – love, loyalty and harvest Biblical character Old Ruth
Authorised Mess Wild warriors, wild worshippers Christian lifestyle Old 1 Chronicles
Authorised Mess Great advice, good influences or going off the rails? Old Testament Old 2 Chronicles
Authorised Mess God is our strength Biblical character Old Nehemiah
Authorised Mess Enterprising Esther Biblical character Old Esther
Authorised Mess Job – life is messy Biblical character Old Job
Authorised Mess Psalms – songs and emotions Old Testament Old Psalms
Authorised Mess Proverbs – advice for life Old Testament Old Proverbs
Authorised Mess Seasons of life Christian lifestyle Old Ecclesiastes 3
Authorised Mess Wacky warnings Biblical character Old Jeremiah
Authorised Mess Lamentations – God with us Christian lifestyle Old Lamentations 3:22–23
Authorised Mess Ezekiel – God brings new life to all Biblical character Old Ezekiel 37:1–14
Authorised Mess Messy Daniel – the power of prayer Biblical character Old Daniel
Authorised Mess Hosea – God’s great love Biblical character Old Hosea 11:8–9
Authorised Mess Amos – God is loving and just Biblical character Old Amos
Authorised Mess Obadiah – helping others Biblical character Old Obadiah
Authorised Mess Jonah – listening to God Biblical character Old Jonah
Authorised Mess Nahum – warnings Biblical character Old Nahum
Authorised Mess Micah – justice, mercy and humility Christian lifestyle Old Micah 6:8
Authorised Mess Habakkuk – listening to God Biblical character Old Habakkuk
Authorised Mess Zephaniah – God delights in us Biblical character Old Zephaniah 3:17
Authorised Mess Haggai – God is with us Biblical character Old Haggai 1:13
Authorised Mess Growing in faith, hope and love Christian lifestyle New 1 Corinthians
Authorised Mess Treasure from heaven Christian lifestyle New 2 Corinthians
Authorised Mess Thanksgiving and perseverance Christian lifestyle New Philippians
Authorised Mess Jesus is number one! Jesus New Colossians
Authorised Mess Sharing God’s love with others Christian lifestyle New 1 Timothy
Authorised Mess A fair affair? – we are all loved by God Jesus New Philemon
Authorised Mess New and improved Jesus New Hebrews
Authorised Mess Light, love and life Easter New 1 John
Authorised Mess Letters of love and encouragement Christian lifestyle New 2 John
Authorised Mess Missing pieces Christian lifestyle New Jude
Authorised Mess The biggest party ever Christian lifestyle New Revelation
One-off session Real me Identity Od/New Ephesians 1; 1 Samuel 16
One-off session  Messy unfrozen Identity New Various
One-off session Messy wedding Jesus’ miracle New John 2:1–11
One-off session Messy Remembrance Remembrance New James 4:1–3; Matthew 5:9
One-off session ‘Drop Everything’ – Following Jesus Rural Mission Sunday New Mark 1:16-20
One-off session Toilet Twinning Toilet Twinning Old/New Jeremiah 29:11; John 10:10; Mark 12:31
One-off session Messy Money Money New Luke 19:1–10
One-off session Messy Christingle Christingle New Matthew 5:13–16
One-off session It’s a jubilee! Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Old Leviticus 25:1–13
One-off session A rubbish Messy Church session Tearfund Old/New Genesis 1:26–31; Genesis 2:15; Mark 12:31
One-off session Harvest with Christian Aid Harvest New Luke 12:15–24
One-off session In darkness and light Creation Old Psalm 8

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Last updated: 16th January 2024

Last reviewed: 12th January 2024