Ideas for a Messy Confirmation

Published 23rd November 2017 by Messy Church

While Lucy and I were in Canada, we met the Revd Dr Neil Mancor of the Anglican Parish of St George, Ste Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec. He has sent us this outline with photos for a Messy Confirmation service that they held recently. He wondered whether it might contain some useful ideas for anyone else in our Messy family. He writes:
‘Below is the outline of our Messy Church confirmation. We wanted to keep with the Messy Church way of doing things and so keep each session within Messy Church and use a craft. Our plan was that each participant would have a folder of crafts they could use to show the Bishop what they have learned. We had five wonderful candidates – with none of whom we would have had any contact without Messy Church!’
Click on the picture to the left to see images of the crafts.
St George’s Messy Church – Confirmation
Introduction to baptism and confirmation: What does it mean to belong?
Why do I want to be confirmed?
Craft: Create and decorate your confirmation folder; cut out symbols to colour and paste including dove, cross, church.
I believe: the core of Christian faith
Christians believe in God the Father and Creator of All, in Jesus his Son our Lord, in the Holy Spirit who fills us with God, in the church which is Jesus’ people.
Craft: Stained-glass window cross
God loves it when we speak to him! He likes it when we listen to him also. We can tell God anything.
Craft: Prayer journal
The Bible tells the most wonderful stories. Most of all, it tells us about Jesus! You can read the Bible any time you like. Its fun and easy! Its one way for God to speak to us.
Craft: Popsicle stick Bible verse holder. Children can choose from different verses.
Confirmation means deciding for yourself to go to church. Church can take many different forms. For some, it is on Sunday; for others; it is going to Messy Church. Its all church! Its your choice.
Craft: Poster with hands of participants around a dove.
God gives us the Holy Spirit to be with us and to help us grow.
Craft: Fruits of the Spirit on wood cross.

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