Angel Go!

Published 16th November 2016 by jane leadbetter

Jo Birkby is the Children and Families Worker at Holy Trinity & St Saviour’s Churches, Knaphill with Brookwood in Woking, Surrey. Jo has recently had a God-inspired moment, leading to a family community activity, similar to the Messy Nativity Sheep Trail but with a trendy twist! Messy creativity at it’s best! Jo says:
‘While walking along our local canal this summer, I was amazed at the number of families I saw out and about hunting Pokemon and it made me wonder how we, as a church, could do something similar to get families out having fun together in the local community. As I was walking and praying, a feather drifted down from the trees above me—hence the idea of Angel Go, a truly God-inspired moment! 
‘I wasted no time in getting everyone in the church knitting, crafting and crocheting angels for our ever-so-slightly lower tech version of the phenomenon that is Pokemon Go! When I delivered the “Angeldex” we had devised to our local schools, giving clues to where they would be able to find the angels, the children were incredibly enthusiastic. The shopkeepers who are participating have given their angel a name and the children and families have to find them and fill the name in on their Angeldex.
‘It’s our hope that this will not only encourage and support our local shops, but also create a feeling of community and fun for families as they “catch ’em all!”
‘We’ve created an “Angel Go” Facebook page so that families can engage that way too, inviting them along to our Messy Church, and posting YouTube videos of how to craft their own angels at home.
‘The initiative has been received with great enthusiasm from shopkeepers and families alike. A mum contacted me yesterday saying that while they were out hunting, there were lots of families doing the same thing… she said we’d brought Knaphill to life!
‘The “hunting period” will be 14 November–12 December and there will be several prizes (a knitted angel, DVD and a book of Michael Morpugo’s On Angel Wings, tubs of chocolates donated by shopkeepers), one at each school, the winners selected at random as they visit either Holy Trinity or St Saviour’s Churches for their Christmas concerts.’
We would love to hear from you if you have any Messy Nativity Sheep Trail stories or similar community activities. Contact me
Read more Messy Sheep Trail stories on our website.

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