Lost Sheep Trail

Published 4th November 2014 by jane leadbetter

An alternative Messy Nativity Sheep Trail idea when you don’t have any shops!
St Lawrence Seal Chart Lost Sheep Trail
We loved the idea of the successful Messy Nativity Sheep Trail but as we are a small rural parish with no shops, we needed to adapt the idea. We therefore decided to place our sheep in and around the church as a fun activity to encourage families with children to engage with the church. An appeal went out to knitters in the parish and soon the sheep (some 40 in total!) came flocking in. In October children from the church, school and Brownies were invited to come along and hunt for as many lost sheep as possible, writing their names on a sheet. The Trail culminated in a special Lost Sheep Service on 2 November with each child who took part receiving a small “prize” in the form of a sheep pencil. Refreshments after the service included a plate of sheep biscuits!
Finally the remaining sheep will be available to purchase on a special Lost Sheep Stall at our Christmas Fair at the end of November. Everyone who took part in the Lost Sheep Trail, both knitters and children, agreed that it was a fun activity. Interestingly we had knitters from inside and outside the church. The sheep definitely brought a smile to everyone to who saw them! 
Hilary Darque, Seal Chart, Kent

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