Messy Baptisms for the new year

Published 14th January 2014 by lucy moore

Whoop: good to start blogging again in 2014 with some good news. Not only has Trudi Oliver posted on the Messy Church Facebook page two months ago, one of our Messy Church mums gave her life to Jesus Christ. On Sunday she was baptized along with her two children! Praise the Lord!
But our friend and Regional Coordinator Alison Paginton also sent this through:
‘Our Messy Church Christmas service this year at St Christopher’s was based on the theme ‘Who is this baby?’ and was given an extra  boost by our first ever Messy Baptism here. Our usual congregation was joined by 50 of Stanley’s friends and family and together we had the largest (and messiest) meeting yet. The activities stretched out over both hall and church, everything from small angels made with glue and glitter through to a life size stable made with wood, hammer and nails. It was great to see regulars and guests alike getting stuck in with all that was going on. We then journeyed towards the stable, stopping off at the font to baptise Stanley and it was a joy for me to wear a special baptism stole made as one of the activities. From there it was on to Bethlehem and our worship and then back to the hall for a special feast.
‘One of the marks of a maturing fresh expression is its ability to welcome in Christian initiation through baptism and it was a delight to be able to baptise Stanley whose regular church is our messy church. It was also great to make on impression on our visitors with regards what church is like – I think one or two were surprised in a good way! – Revd Dr Andrew Schuman’
Personally I think Stanley should twin himself with the Messy Church in Port Stanley in the Falklands…

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