Messy Greenbelt 2011

Published 31st August 2011 by lucy moore

Jane and the Messy Greenbelt Team enjoyed the new Messy Space venue at Greenbelt on August Bank Holiday Saturday and Monday. They used two of the sessions from the 2011 Messy project to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible – Authorised Mess: Messy Warriors (1 Chronicles), written by Beth Barnett in Melbourne, Australia and Messy Psalms written by Janet Tredrea in Truro, Cornwall. A team of 20 Messy Church leaders of all ages gathered in Cheltenham from Hampshire, Edinburgh, York, Chester, Worcester and Liverpool and shared crafts such as Honey Joys and Temple Biscuits, Star Shine Bottles and Holy Hammers, Blow a Tree and Hallelujah Banners and lots more. Hundreds of all ages joined in with the Celebration Times and the Messy musicians discovered everyone to be in very fine voice! About 500 were counted into the Messy Space on the Monday – lots of opportunity for messy chats and exploring the Books of Bible. Thank you so much, Messy Greenbelt Team, for your enthusiasm and good humour. Enjoy a well-earned rest if you can!

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