Regional Coordinators’ Round Table 2010

Published 12th September 2010 by lucy moore

The second annual gathering of Messy Church regional coordinators took place at Wycliffe Hall on 9-10 Sep with 26 enthusiastic delegates present. These included members of the BRF team and trustees as well as regional coordinators from all over the UK, and even Australia and Denmark were represented.
The aims were many, including helping the regional coordinators feel how much they are a vital part of the way MC goes forward; listening and encouraging, updating, equipping and resourcing them, and working on two specific projects – the discipleship plans and the back-up materials for the DVD. It was also to make those intangible connections between people and to help them feel part of something much bigger. The gathering was also a perfect opportunity for Jane Leadbetter to get to know the majority of the network as she starts out on her new role coordinating them all. David Collins generously gave us an evening of crafts and Bishop Colin Fletcher dropped in to show his support. Comments afterwards included:
‘I found the Messy Round Table very helpful and inspiring. Personally I felt challenged to put on a Messy Gathering locally as a means of sharing stories and resources and ideas.’
‘I was personally really encouraged that despite being slightly out of the Messy Church loop this last year, the things I had observed – continuing to wrestle with discipleship and the continued strong growth and ecumenical potential of Messy Church were key themes of the 24 hours.’
‘I absolutely loved it and can’t wait for next year! Have really positive thoughts about my own Messy Church too from chatting to people.’
‘I felt that it was inspiring, refreshing and energising… so a very worthwhile event.’

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