Messy Church – New Staff Appointment

Published 28th July 2010 by lucy moore

With Messy Church’s continuing growth, BRF is delighted to announce that Jane Leadbetter will be joining us on 1 September 2010 as part of the Messy Church team.
The rapid growth of Messy Church across the UK and overseas has resulted in an increasing demand from churches for support in establishing and facilitating Messy Churches. Jane will work alongside Lucy Moore to promote Messy Church to churches thinking about this form of outreach to families and to help resource and sustain the network of existing Messy Churches and their teams.
Jane has been working for the Diocese of Liverpool as Children’s Work Adviser for the past twelve years. As the diocese Messy Church coordinator, she has helped start twelve Messy Churches in Liverpool churches and Messy Families in a secular school. Four more Messy Churches will be starting in the area in the next few months. Jane is also an Accredited Teacher of Godly Playâ„¢ and Child Friendly Church Award Coordinator.
A former primary school teacher and Scout leader, Jane is passionate about the place of the child in the church and about bringing families together. She is married to Ian and they have two grown-up children, Tom and Sarah, and two adopted Labradors.
‘I enjoy sharing the Gospel, working ecumenically and growing teams. God has given me a passion about Messy Church and all ages being together in a creative way. I feel very positive about the future of the Church and especially fresh expressions of church, which is an exciting journey to be on.’ Jane Leadbetter
‘Messy Church seems to have caught a wave of God’s Spirit. We at BRF are very aware that we have a responsibility to do all we can not only to help churches start Messy Church wisely but to resource and sustain it. Jane brings a vast amount of wisdom and hands-on experience to serve churches through this post and we’re thoroughly looking forward to working together on the next stage of this exciting story.’Lucy Moore, Messy Church team leader and author of Messy Church

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