A Voyage of Discovery
Deepening discipleship in Messy Churches and beyond
Here is the exciting collection of research findings and resource materials from the 2019-20 research project Deepening Discipleship. This was a project of the Archbishops’ Council Evangelism and Discipleship Team supported by the Strategic Development Fund, led by Church Army’s Research Unit (CARU) and Messy Church at BRF.
Messy Churches in the dioceses of Bristol, Durham and Hereford worked with CARU and BRF to pilot six approaches for deepening discipleship in their contexts, using groundbreaking research methodology. If you find any of these materials or approaches useful in your own church, Messy or beyond, please let us know so the findings can continue to be shared.
Downloadable resources
General info
For an introduction to A Voyage of Discovery and the deepening discipleship project, watch the video above.
Six discipleship approaches
Approach 1: Faith conversations
Approach 2: Young leader development
Young leader development overview
Approach 3: Social action
Approach 4: Maturing teams
Approach 5: Extras
Approach 6: Mentoring
Messy Discipleship
This collection of perspectives, edited by Messy Church founder Lucy Moore, brings academic analysis and practitioner wisdom to bear on a key question for today’s church, capturing the latest thinking and learning from the Messy Church context. Individual chapters examine each of the core Messy Church values and how these work in practice to promote discipleship.
Discover 'Messy Discipleship'Church Army’s Research Unit
Find out more about the Church Army’s Research Unit (CARU) here.
Church Army's Research Unit