Involving the Sunday congregation

Published 7th September 2007 by lucy moore

The other question we’ve been chewing over at our planning meeting is how to involve the Sunday congregations more in Messy Church, both as helpers and to make it clear that this is an opportunity for them to invite neighbours and friends along and enjoy coming as a member themselves.
We’ve come up with a form for helpers (which you can see here as a pdf or as a Word document, if you wanted to adapt it yourself), which is going in the October magazine and which we’ll hand out as a letter in Sunday church into people’s hands. N.B. Must make a post box before Sunday.
Daughter has invited her school friend to MC on the 20th and has suggested that she brings her adopted Granny with her. Evangelism made easy.
Still on my to do List

Families with Faith to buy and read
Email Alison and Esther about story sacks
Give MU themes for 2008 and invite them to make story sacks on these themes
Make notes on Future of Parish Ministry
Post box for MC helper forms to make
Pray more:

Father God,
Thank you for the freedom we have in you at this point in history and in this country, to praise you and discover you in such uninhibited ways. Thank you for the encouragement from Fresh Expressions to experiment and for permission to go wrong. Thank you for BRFwho can take Messy Church further on than St Wilf’s could on its own.
Please guide us as we find out about discipleship among families. Help us ask the right questions and enable others to ask the right questions,too. Steer us where your Spirit takes us, not where it is easy or convenient for us to go. Give us the energy and enthusiasm we need to go there.
May each of our families at MC experience and recognize your love and valuing of them this year, and please help us all to grow in knowledge and love of you and your plans for our community here in Cowplain.

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