MESSages to God

Published 19th November 2012 by lucy moore

MESSages to God
Jane Leadbetter came up with the idea and Cerys Hughes in Lichfield came up with the name. Jane has started using it at her Messy Church: simple prayer requests that are written down during cake time and posted by all ages into a box. Jane then types them up and emails them out to the list of contacts she has from team and Messy congregation. The names here have been reduced to initials for the sake of privacy. They really echo Paul’s advice in 1 Timothy 2:1-2 (NIV):
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
Thank you for these prayers at Messy Advent. Remember to pray them when you are ironing, walking the dog, watching TV, out loud, whispering or anywhere anyhow! God is so amazing he can hear us wherever we are!
Please God keep my family and me healthy. Help us to find a new home for my two children and me. Amen
Pray for peace on earth.
Pray for W.
Dear God, thank you for getting me a new friend and thank you for my new cousin.
To God. Please let the world become peaceful and kind! Amen
Dear God. Thank you for Jane and all the Messy helpers, for the fellowship we share.
Please God, keep me and all my family well and happy and healthy.
God bless us all. Keep us safe and sound. X
All kids to have a good Christmas.
Dear Lord, let us pray for all the homeless people. Xxx
I pray to keep my family safe and all our troops in conflict safe. Amen
I hope my friend has better news at her next hospital appointment.
Pray for J.
Please watch over my family as my mum-in-law begins her treatment. Help her find the strength to get through.
I wish to pray that everyone has a peaceful happy Christmas.
I pray for all of my family to stay safe and all of us to have a happy Christmas.
For my family.
I pray for my dad to come back to life.
Dear God, help me and my family and all the animals.
Dear Lord, let us pray for all the elderly people around the country in the cold weather. X
Dear God, thank you for this new day and my nan and poper. Amen
I pray for more money to stop diseases.
Dear God, help my cousin T with her sight problems. Take care of her. X
We pray for the people who drink dirty water. X. Love J
I pray that Liverpool will do better in the Premier League.
Dear God, thank you for the drinks and food. I love you.
Dear God, please look after my uncles in heaven.
Please bless my beautiful mum and dad as they face their journey to God.
Pray please for all my family. Love J xx Especially my lovely mummy.

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