Messy Church review

Published 14th July 2007 by lucy moore

We had a plethora of visitors at Messy Church from Worthing, Bournemouth and Hayling Island, which was very pleasant, but difficult to chat to as my craft (sock dragonflies) was fairly intensive.
It’s always interesting to meet people from outside who are thinking about MC. Also interesting to see the ones who happily muck in, join in the crafts, even join in the kitchen and can sense when there’s a child waiting to be helped, and those who tie you up in conversation when there’s a mum waiting for a much-needed cup of tea… Shame they couldn’t stay for tea as, as Paul mused, it’s quite crucial to see how that works.
A sniff of trouble at t’mill as one of our helpers may be feeling peeved at not being invited to the planning meetings and voted with her feet today. Not sure what to do:
a) The more people involved in planning, the more phoning there is to do before the planning meeting to make sure everyone knows, which all takes time. b) I’d been assuming that everyone prefers not to be at the planning but would rather it was all planned for them, and I am (yet again) proved wrong.
However, this is a rumour of war rather than a fact so I shall have to do some sensitive and subtle digging to get to the root of it and mend bridges if necessary.
We put out little fliers and gave out a notice about our MC outing on the 26 July. We had had a long discussion at the planning meeting about building relationships and came round to seeing that the best way for us to build is to have one or two no-threat social outings to keep in touch during the summer break. We’ll see how they go. Also a cream tea for families on Sunday afternoon, which the Social Committee are running – hooray!
We advertised the holiday club running at Annie’s (Baptist) church up the road – it would be nice if some of them went. All little things.
How did God move at Messy Church? Very gently.
In giving me patience with a child who was deliberately nicking my garden wire, and with the ones who ran around three times during tea, despite being asked to sit down until everyone had finished.
In letting K and the other teenagers be there – just the right teenagers to make the food work against all the odds.
In bringing back two families we haven’t seen for a while. In Jan and Robert both being there to help.
In the abundance of socks supplied by the Sunday congregation for the dragonflies (more because it shows their commitment to MC rather than the glut of footwear which did feel somewhat fetishistic).
In the smiles of people enjoying the crafts and the sunshine.
In the way the Mothers’ Union and the Men’s Group were both involved through cake and bird tables.
In Luke knowing that his DVD would be welcomed and valued.

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