New Zealand Mess

Published 24th February 2011 by lucy moore

Please do continue to pray for the churches in New Zealand and encourage your Messy Churches to pray too. As you know, Debbie Smith is our regional coordinator and lives in Christchurch, though she and her husband Andrew are on the point of moving to a new job in Nelson. It sounds horrendous, and I wasn’t even sure Debbie would have email up and running to reply to an anxious email:
Hi Debbie
Horrendous news from Christchurch – are you and yours OK this time? I really hope so. Do let us know if you can. Much love Lucy
To my relief, she did:
Hi yes all OK & the dog
I was in the city, thought I would die!!!! Andrew was at church. Home, now sold, whatever will happen no idea, pretty badly damaged but liveable. We have been staying in a neighbours’ sleep out, it feels safer. Had a good sleep last night despite aftershocks. Five aftershocks an hour 4.7 and above the night before, no sleep. We have power, no water, trapped in this lovely port town, people have been killed walking home over the hills with falling debris.
Please just pray for us and for wisdom as to whether we leave home and move to Nelson sooner or what. Don’t know what to do for the best. Church standing but we can’t use it until it’s checked. Everything is chaos, streets wrecked driving is awful.

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