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A Messy weekend camp

27th Jun 2016
by Messy Church

A growing number of Messy Churches are daring to take their Messy families away for a weekend. It’s proving a great ...

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by Messy Church

Ever since the Messy Church International Conference just over a month ago, I have been wondering about something that Geo...

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by Messy Church

Round 7: ‘Maximising the Mess’ – How to engage teenagers There has been a lot of discussion about how Me...

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17th Jun 2016
by Lucy Moore

We’ve been getting excited about grandparents recently. Maybe it’s because Jane and Martyn are now both grandp...

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by Jane Leadbetter

We love to receive stories of the quiet work that is going on in your Messy Churches. We recently received this informatio...

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Make us cry!

7th Jun 2016
by Lucy Moore

Flo’s just given us a sneak preview of the survey responses that have been coming in. Big mistake! I’ve spent ...

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Messy leadership

6th Jun 2016
by Lucy Moore

I’ve just had to fill in a form about what sort of leadership activity I’m engaged in. What on earth will they...

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by Messy Church

Round 6: ‘Maximising the Mess’ – How can we encourage discipleship in Messy Church? Messy Churches are l...

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by Messy Church

‘This conference was the richest I have ever attended in terms of content and teaching – the vocabulary of dee...

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by Messy Church

Round 7: ‘Maximising the Mess’ – Liturgy and Messy Church Especially for some Anglicans, as well as for ...

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by Messy Church

Round 5: ‘Maximising the Mess’ Mondays: How do we finance our Messy Church? Lucy’s minister was delighte...

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by Jane Leadbetter

In the more than seven years of coordinating L19 Messy Church I have never been on the Messy cooks’ team. As we have...

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