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Ancient Cake

15th Aug 2012
by Lucy Moore

Paul (husband) was reading up on the Early Church and found this wonderful quote about Christians from the last pagan Empe...

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15th Aug 2012
by Lucy Moore

Off to Australia tonight for an event-packed fortnight with the Anglican diocese of Newcastle and Grafton in New South Wal...

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Messy Abbey

4th Jul 2012
by Lucy Moore

Jane and I had a great time at Dorchester Abbey on Sunday celebrating BRF’s 90th anniversary as only Messy Church ca...

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by Lucy Moore

This is a really interesting blog post from a parent who has just visited a Messy Church because of the fascinating reason...

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Is Messy Church church?

25th Jun 2012
by Lucy Moore

We had a challenging email through recently regarding school attendance: I am hoping you might be able to help with a quic...

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What’s in a name?

24th Jun 2012
by Lucy Moore

Someone emailed us recently asking for advice about the name of their Messy Church to-be. I found the question raised a lo...

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Messy Weekend

18th Jun 2012
by Lucy Moore

A real privilege and joy to share last weekend with 30-odd fellow Messy enthusiasts and to have another fun time exploring...

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Food Hygiene!

18th May 2012
by Lucy Moore

The wonderful, thorough and conscientious Jenny Brandon has been researching what she needs to do to meet the regulations ...

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Trashy Church

18th May 2012
by Lucy Moore

This is a very exciting and significant development of the Messy Church idea for teenagers and for mission. Revd Julie Col...

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by Lucy Moore

If you receive our monthly emailed newsletter (free! fun! encouraging! useful!) you’ll know that BRF has been deligh...

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Too messy?

3rd May 2012
by Lucy Moore

Not everyone is in favour of Messy Church. Here’s some email correspondence I’ve had recently which may give y...

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Messy Cafe

19th Apr 2012
by Lucy Moore

Cerys Hughes in Lichfield Diocese and her team have held their first Family Cafe, and Cerys has kindly written about it. I...

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