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Liturgical Commission

27th Jan 2012
by Lucy Moore

I was really chuffed to be invited to have a conversation with the Church of England Liturgical Commission about liturgy i...

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Messy Catholic Champion

27th Jan 2012
by Lucy Moore

Frances Ripley is going great guns to champion Messy Church within the Catholic Church. Here she is at a recent conference...

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Messy Mapreading

26th Jan 2012
by Lucy Moore

This made Jane smile: Sue Thomas and her messy team in Wigan held ‘Messy Missing Person’ this month, based on ...

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Not for everyone

25th Jan 2012
by Lucy Moore

A story from Australia which shows Messy Church doesn’t work everywhere, and we thank Jim for his honesty and wish t...

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Overton Messy Church

23rd Jan 2012
by Lucy Moore

It was great to visit the Messy Church at Overton in Hampshire the other week and join in their session on a Sunday aftern...

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Baptism conversation

21st Jan 2012
by Lucy Moore

Lesley (during end notices after a great fun Messy Church last week): Anyone like to consider christening, baptism for any...

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by Lucy Moore

‘We should have more say!’ wrote Abigail (14). Abigail’s sentiment was one shared by the Methodist Churc...

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Messy Church in a home

9th Jan 2012
by Lucy Moore

An exciting development from Sally Lingham, who has tried out Messy Church in her own home: it’s getting more like t...

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Messy Weekend

6th Jan 2012
by Lucy Moore

Jane writes: They came from Scotland, North Yorkshire, the Midlands and Cambridgeshire, Durham and Oxfordshire; adults and...

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Happy 2012!

3rd Jan 2012
by Lucy Moore

It’s been good to see so much messiness happening over Christmas. On one side of the world, Elaine Trendell from the...

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30th Nov 2011
by Lucy Moore

Becky Sedgwick and her team have been thinking out of the box and developing their Messy ministry in an imaginative and in...

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by Lucy Moore

So we’ve got over 900 Messy Churches registered on the Messy Church website Directory, which is phenomenal, and than...

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