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by Lucy Moore

The conference here in Parramatta starts and my contribution for the day is an evening’s Messy ‘Masterclass...

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by Lucy Moore

Messy Church Aussie-style: we took over a local church called Chaos, who kindly allowed us their anchoring presence and co...

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by Lucy Moore

A much sunnier day with the Opera House displaying itself much more appropriately against blue sky, then a dark night sky ...

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Aussie 12 August Angst

12th Aug 2011
by Lucy Moore

We are tourists! Drove into Sydney (aaargh), for which act alone I deserve an OBE, and spent the day viewing Sydney ‘...

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by Lucy Moore

A hop over from Sunny Brisbane to sunny but chilly Sydney, where we met the wonderful Judyth Roberts, instigator of this t...

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by Lucy Moore

A last day to blob around Brisbane. I don’t know any other major city that can boast a mangrove swamp boardwalk. We ...

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by Lucy Moore

A trip to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary – a completely fun day owing to the marked similarity of koalas to teenagers...

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by Lucy Moore

Brisbane! Sunshine! Warmth! Holiday! Wedding anniversary! And this is midwinter: lunch outside by the waterfall of the art...

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by Lucy Moore

A day of rain as we left Adelaide. Having the cases meant we kept our expectations low and did very little but write postc...

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by Lucy Moore

The last day of the ‘Church &…’ Conference with a few different people as well as – by now &#...

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by Lucy Moore

A second keynote today while Paul (my husband) and Arthur (my son) prowled round Adelaide. It’s fun to spot the cult...

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by Lucy Moore

As the Uniting Church’s ‘Church &…’ conference began with a rerun of last night’s Messy...

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