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Aussie 3 August

3rd Aug 2011
by Lucy Moore

The last half of the journey to Adelaide across big big countryside between Mt Gambier and South Australia (SA): a moment ...

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by Lucy Moore

 Chris Barnett wowing the crowd in Melbourne A pause in our Odyssey round Oz to reflect a little on what’s been happeni...

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Aussie blog ctd

2nd Aug 2011
by Lucy Moore

A pause in our Odyssey round Oz to reflect a little on what’s been happening. We’ve been in this vast and amazing coun...

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An Australia Hoorah!

29th Jul 2011
by Lucy Moore

We’ve had a really great day doing a full day of Messy Church for the 155 people, who had come from all over Oz R...

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Merseyside Messy Meet-up

23rd Jul 2011
by Lucy Moore

Jane writes:Only two hours and so much to share – a wonderful morning in Waterloo with 17 local churches represented...

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18th Jul 2011
by Lucy Moore

In the last e-news we asked if anyone was doing anything interesting with liturgy. Karen Gardiner emailed from Elstree: I&...

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Winsford Fiesta

12th Jul 2011
by Lucy Moore

Jane, connoisseuse of many a buffet lunch, writes: Winsford Fiesta seemed to go really well and I loved working with Alan ...

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Messtival in Childwall

4th Jul 2011
by Lucy Moore

Jane visited a 24-hour Messtival in Childwall, Liverpool, with the sun shining and happy campers! There were messy tents e...

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Northern Ireland

27th Jun 2011
by Lucy Moore

OK, think uninhibited welcome and hospitality: that’s what I got from the people of Bangor and surroundings when I s...

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Jane the plunger

27th Jun 2011
by Lucy Moore

Many of you know Jane Leadbetter, my esteemed colleague. But what you won’t know is that someone rang her after a re...

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Discipleship input

8th Jun 2011
by Lucy Moore

More ideas for Messy discipleship, published resources from Jo Gill, a Messy Church leader, and Paul Griffiths, a missione...

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Grenada Messy Church

22nd May 2011
by Lucy Moore

We LOVE being part of a global network through Messy Church and one of our most recent interesting additions has been the ...

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