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by Aike Kennett-Brown

You will know the needs of those who come to your Messy Church. We know of Messy Churches who are still meeting over the ...

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by Aike Kennett-Brown

Many people welcomed the return of Glastonbury music festival in June – an opportunity to gather, celebrate and sing. I...

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Would you rather?

26th Jul 2022
by Aike Kennett-Brown

My youngest often engages me in a conversation of ‘Would you rather?’ The most recent inquisition went like this, ‘...

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To be or not to be?

12th Jul 2022
by Aike Kennett-Brown

Have you ever had the internal dilemma about whether or not to go to an event or maybe Messy Church?  If you’ve ever wo...

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by Aike Kennett-Brown

This might sound like a headline in a tabloid, but I can honestly say that my recent investment in a second-hand full-leng...

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Ascension Day

26th May 2022
by Aike Kennett-Brown

‘He was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight’ (Acts 1:9, NIV). I took a day after the...

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Expect the unexpected!

17th May 2022
by Aike Kennett-Brown

After the past few years of the pandemic, we should be practiced at this by now, however, I was reminded last weekend of a...

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Messy Wellbeing

19th Aug 2021
by Messy Church

Catherine Johnson, Messy Church Support Team volunteer, led a Facebook Live on Messy Wellbeing – Taking care of ours...

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by Lucy Moore

Lydia Harrison gave a lovely Facebook Live all about this resource on 9 June. Here’s what she said: I’m here today...

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Surprise discipleship

20th Apr 2021
by Lucy Moore

Martyn Payne writes: Gleanings from a quiet morning on Luke 7:1-10 with the Storykeepers team, April 2021 ‘When Jesu...

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by Lucy Moore

Read this as less of a ‘Here am I, the Expert, advising You, the Ignorant’ and more of a ‘Well, you asked me what I ...

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by Lucy Moore

The wise and wonderful Jane Butcher shared her thoughts on volunteering at the Facebook Lives on 20 January 2021:  The fo...

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