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International Mess

3rd Feb 2011
by Lucy Moore

We’re delighted to be welcoming Nancy Rowe, Elizabeth Northcott, Thomas Brauer and Chris Barnett to our Internationa...

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Evaluating Messy Church

31st Jan 2011
by Lucy Moore

After a stimulating morning with Messy Church leaders in Worcester on Saturday, somebody asked if there is an evaluation p...

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21st Jan 2011
by Lucy Moore

Messy Churches are doing such a good job all round the world and dealing with some really big Bible stories and life issue...

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Happy New Year!

6th Jan 2011
by Lucy Moore

Hope 2011 is a corker for you and your Messy Churches! I’m sorry I haven’t posted a blog for aeons… my m...

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Useful song

6th Jan 2011
by Lucy Moore

One of my adventures back in December was to be invited to the Charity Events Evening held by AFD on the Isle of Man. AFD ...

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by Lucy Moore

As a way of making Messy Church available to families who might not otherwise have thought about it or heard of it, you co...

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What is church?

27th Nov 2010
by Lucy Moore

A really thoughtful blog by Rachel Marszalek on Messy Church and whether or not it’s church and what is church anywa...

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by Lucy Moore

In March 2011 we’re holding a consultation on Messy Discipleship and we need your help. We’d like to hear what...

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by Lucy Moore

There are some interesting discussions going on about discipleship all over the world. Andrew Smith from New Zealand recom...

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The Big Silence

2nd Nov 2010
by Lucy Moore

A Messy Church leader near Swansea made this imaginative suggestion for those teams looking for ways to connect life and T...

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by Lucy Moore

Last week I had a bit of a quiet day to reflect on discipleship in the messy context. This is what I shared with Jane and ...

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by Lucy Moore

As you know, we’re pondering what Messy discipleship is all about, if indeed there is such an animal. The best thing...

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