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Are you the 500th?

22nd Oct 2010
by Lucy Moore

We now have 489 Messy Churches on the Directory! This is phenomenal, even to those of us, who, like me, are innumerate and...

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Mistaken mess

8th Oct 2010
by Lucy Moore

A friend sent through this lovely misunderstanding from their local paper: ‘My church is holding a Messy Church this...

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Messy Chaplain

8th Oct 2010
by Lucy Moore

One team was asked whether they needed a chaplain for their Messy Church. They came up with the following jobs that a chap...

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by Lucy Moore

Well obviously it’s plagiarism but with any luck, blatant enough to be acceptable. We’re going to try out a se...

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by Lucy Moore

These are some ongoing thoughts springing from our discussions about discipleship in a messy context at the regional coord...

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by Lucy Moore

The second annual gathering of Messy Church regional coordinators took place at Wycliffe Hall on 9-10 Sep with 26 enthusia...

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Greenbelt 2010

31st Aug 2010
by Lucy Moore

Just back from Greenbelt – the Christian Arts Festival in Cheltenham. It’s our second year there with Messy Ch...

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Keswick Convention

15th Aug 2010
by Lucy Moore

Jane Leadbetter and Jane Butcher took a Messy Team to Keswick earlier in the summer. Jane Leadbetter writes: The last Wedn...

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by Lucy Moore

With Messy Church’s continuing growth, BRF is delighted to announce that Jane Leadbetter will be joining us on 1 Sep...

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by Lucy Moore

We had a fantastic day at St John’s College in Nottingham on Saturday, with 160 people turning up to hear about Mess...

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Query about funding

22nd Jul 2010
by Lucy Moore

A query has come in that highlights the relationship between the establishd body of the church and the emerging Messy Chur...

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Real church?

21st Jul 2010
by Lucy Moore

An interesting query on the website and I found myself writing at length, probably incoherently but here we go: ‘Hi,...

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