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Real church?

21st Jul 2010
by Lucy Moore

An interesting query on the website and I found myself writing at length, probably incoherently but here we go: ‘Hi,...

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Old and new

13th Jul 2010
by Lucy Moore

Isn’t it delightful to feel part of a Church that has worshipped God for centuries and will carry on worshipping him...

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by Lucy Moore

I forgot to include this when I was writing my Canada Diary: in Sunday church we sang that old favourite hymn and just whe...

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Follow-up course ideas?

30th Jun 2010
by Lucy Moore

Lots of queries at the moment: anyone any thoughts on Cara’s question below? Do let us know at

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Canada Diary – Part 10

27th Jun 2010
by Lucy Moore

And so my final day in Edmonton. A morning at church (where I discover that ladies of a certain age the world over take ap...

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Canada Diary – Part 9

26th Jun 2010
by Lucy Moore

Having reread yesterday’s entry I feel I should make it clear that the bishop didn’t actually give me an episc...

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Canada Diary – Part 8

25th Jun 2010
by Lucy Moore

Woke up to a power cut, but can’t complain as everyone else was woken even earlier by a fire alarm, which passed me ...

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Canada Diary – Part 7

24th Jun 2010
by Lucy Moore

A travelling day – actually a good opportunity to sit in the airport, drink coffee (I am now a Tim Horton addict) an...

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Canada Diary – Part 6

23rd Jun 2010
by Lucy Moore

I am learning so much about hospitality, with the generosity and unfussedness of the people here. I stayed with Bishop Bar...

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Canada Diary – Part 5

22nd Jun 2010
by Lucy Moore

Breakfast at the airport (bagel in case you were curious- they do stick to your teeth) and over the snowcapped mountains t...

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Canada Diary – Part 4

21st Jun 2010
by Lucy Moore

A day off! The messiest I got was talking about strategy over coffee with Elizabeth in Vancouver’s market on an isla...

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Canada Diary – Part 3

20th Jun 2010
by Lucy Moore

Now racoons, orcas and possums are added to the list of ferocious wild beasts I can expect to encounter round here: I am a...

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