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Canada Diary – Part 2

19th Jun 2010
by Lucy Moore

After a leisurely start drinking much strong coffee and putting the world to rights with Claudette and Walt, my hospitable...

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Canada Diary

18th Jun 2010
by Lucy Moore

After a ten-hour flight spent happily catching up on unsuitable films and rejoicing at God’s sense of humour at sitt...

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Query about teams

11th Jun 2010
by Lucy Moore

An enquiry came through a little while ago that I don’t feel competent to answer: anyone got any thoughts for John?...

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Wrong again!

8th Jun 2010
by Lucy Moore

Good job I don’t set myself up as omniscient when I’m proved wrong at every turn. What is it about Messy Churc...

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30th May 2010
by Lucy Moore

What an eventful weekend. I’m writing this in Glasgow airport between flights, and looking out on tarmac seems most ...

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27th May 2010
by Lucy Moore

… and triple oof. Just finished our May Messy Church on the theme of how special each of us is to God – many s...

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Matlock Fiesta

18th May 2010
by Lucy Moore

Jane Butcher (Regional Coordinator in the Midlands) and Chris Rees (Regional Coordinator South Yorkshire), together with o...

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by Lucy Moore

We were delighted to be asked by the organisers of the CRE to host a contained stream within the Exhibition on the theme o...

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Mess and thoughts

5th May 2010
by Lucy Moore

Mary Hawes sent through this blog from Heather Zempel with some thoughts about mess in general in a godly context. I think...

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Teams, food and wisdom

5th May 2010
by Lucy Moore

A wonderful group of Messy Church enthusiasts came to Lee Abbey last year to find out more about Messy Church. One was Ali...

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1st Apr 2010
by Lucy Moore

I’m just back from the Fresh Expressions Associate Missioners’ Conference. Lots to ponder and unpack, but for ...

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by Lucy Moore

Traditionally a warm welcome in church might mean a smile and polite handshake. Jane reflects on the welcome of the Messy ...

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