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News from Canada

6th Jan 2010
by Lucy Moore

With the thick snow outside as I write, I feel closer than usual to our colleagues in colder climes. Thomas Brauer, our re...

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A blog on Messiness

5th Jan 2010
by Lucy Moore

Janet Tredrea, our Cornwall regional coordinator, brought this to my attention and you might also find it interesting: a b...

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Happy New Year!

4th Jan 2010
by Lucy Moore

And a messily joyful one to you all! I think it’s going to be a really exciting year, as more and more Messy Churche...

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14th Dec 2009
by Lucy Moore

First confirmed sightings of a Messy Church starting up in Australia! I’m very excited. Jane and I met Karen Mitchel...

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Christingle juiciness

13th Dec 2009
by Lucy Moore

We had our annual Christingle service last night. It wasn’t the full-blown Messy Church Christingle that we wrote fo...

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2nd Dec 2009
by Lucy Moore

The Poole Messy Church leaders had arranged a meeting over morning coffee to chat and find out how to support each other, ...

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Westminster Abbey

26th Nov 2009
by Lucy Moore

It was a great privilege to be invited to join in the Christingle service at Westminster Abbey, organised for local school...

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by Lucy Moore

Graham Miles has been musing from his position as church leader on the relationship of Sunday and Messy Church, and commun...

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Messy Forum in Liverpool

24th Nov 2009
by Lucy Moore

There are many pictures of the Holy Spirit, but I’ve never seen one of him bouncing about like a puppy, gleefully sp...

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Wet in Wales

22nd Nov 2009
by Lucy Moore

It was a little disconcerting to drive in the gloaming of early Friday evening past signs directing me to ‘Angora Go...

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by Lucy Moore

I thought our Messy Directory would simply serve to help Messy Church leaders, but no! An email from Jenny Martin containi...

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by Lucy Moore

Just back from a conference where for once I wasn’t speaking about Messy Church, except in the all-important by-the-...

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