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Messy Tea

11th Nov 2009
by Lucy Moore

Discipleship? Training? I’m not sure what Messy Tea would best fit into – it’s such early days that it m...

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by Lucy Moore

We changed a few things last night at our October Messy Church: we decided at Messy Tea that the opening half hour was bec...

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Family Teams

22nd Oct 2009
by Lucy Moore

Another idea that popped up at the Round Table is to ask a family to run a craft together. This means that the separate fa...

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Small talk

22nd Oct 2009
by Lucy Moore

One discussion the regional coordinators had at the Round Table in September was about the value of small talk at Messy Ch...

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Lee Abbey

19th Oct 2009
by Lucy Moore

Spent last week at Lee Abbey in beautiful North Devon, leading a stream on Messy Church for about 20 people who varied bet...

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Denmark gets Mess!

5th Oct 2009
by Lucy Moore

Just back from a joyful weekend with Danes from all over Denmark – from up in the north where two seas meet, to Cope...

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by Lucy Moore

It was really good to spend a couple of hours today with Bishop Graham Cray, the CofE Bishop of Fresh Expressions. He is p...

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German Pastors

17th Sep 2009
by Lucy Moore

A surreal but fun couple of hours in the bowels of a hotel with 30 German visitors on a Fresh Expressions trip from near H...

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Round Table

16th Sep 2009
by Lucy Moore

What a fantastic time we had – 18-20 of us, regional coordinators and sympathetic friends – gathered together ...

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10th Sep 2009
by Lucy Moore

Our maple syrup bottle overfloweth – a fun visit yesterday from Andy and Sue Kalbfleisch who are based in the Dioces...

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by Lucy Moore

Where do I start? The fun of coming together as an all-age team from across the UK armed with bags and crates of sparkles ...

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Cottingley Fiesta

20th Jul 2009
by Lucy Moore

A complete joy to be back in my old stamping ground of West Yorkshire at the weekend for a Fiesta in the beautiful Cotting...

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