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Prophetic Gardening

15th May 2009
by Lucy Moore

I do hope God isn’t being prophetic on me. I had a day off this week and spent the morning labouring in the garden t...

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Genes and Sheep

9th May 2009
by Lucy Moore

I was privileged to join Dave Male and many pioneer ministers at Ridley Hall recently, for a stimulating conference about ...

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Play in Weston

2nd May 2009
by Lucy Moore

One of the advantages of being in a network, rather than trying to go it alone, is the undeniable fact that talking to peo...

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by Lucy Moore

Ho hum, very interesting. One of the questions often raised at Fiestas is, ‘What about the Dads? How do you get Dads...

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by Lucy Moore

We held our third Messy Communion yesterday. It was – well, I suppose it was OK, which isn’t good enough. The ...

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Five Marks of Mission

26th Mar 2009
by Lucy Moore

Just back from the National Children’s Advisers’ Conference, bulging with food for thought (and the other sort...

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Easy Evening

17th Mar 2009
by Lucy Moore

Messy Church leaders in Kent had a really inspiring evening together chatting about Messy Church and the problems and ways...

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by Lucy Moore

Sound the bagpipe and splice the sporran – the first full Scottish Messy Fiesta has taken place. A gleefully ecumeni...

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Is Messy Church all-age?

12th Mar 2009
by Lucy Moore

Enjoyably bracing to bring the colourful friendly world of Messy Church up against the dark and studded ‘Go on, impr...

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6th Mar 2009
by Lucy Moore

Cornwall is such a happening place! Messy Churches are popping up all over, and it was great to be invited to go and lead ...

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Feminism in messiness

23rd Feb 2009
by Lucy Moore

An interesting meeting today with Dr Cathy Ross at CMS in Oxford. One joy of this role is that I get to meet experts in di...

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Arty Stuff

21st Feb 2009
by Lucy Moore

A visit to Marlene Wylie and the Creative Arts Fellowship (CAFe) she and others run at their church in East London. Amongs...

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