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by Lucy Moore

Beryl Tillin has been thinking about home discipleship. She sent some useful insights in an email. I wonder what you think...

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Blogs everywhere!

7th Oct 2008
by Lucy Moore

If you want to read a bit about where Messy Church fits in with other Fresh Expressions of Church along with a review of a...

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Back on home ground

28th Sep 2008
by Lucy Moore

Busy week… busy week… a deanery youth service held at St Wilf’s today. I mention this because it fascina...

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Messy Church in a school

25th Sep 2008
by Lucy Moore

And a quick scoot over the Pennines towards Salford in the afternoon to act as a sounding board for a church in Worsley wh...

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by Lucy Moore

There are different sorts of mess: some to fight against (Tidy Your Bedroom!), some to glory in. There are different sorts...

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Chester (Diocese) Fiesta

13th Sep 2008
by Lucy Moore

It was a very exciting day on Saturday – over a hundred people gathered in Hale to find out more about Messy Church ...

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by Lucy Moore

Just off the phone from Helen Mason, who is part of the Messy Church leadership team in Petersfield – a churches tog...

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Outside Messy Church

17th Aug 2008
by Lucy Moore

Early Christians in hot climes were thrown to the lions; modern British martyrdom seems to consist of near-death by exposu...

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by Lucy Moore

It’s always a problem that we lose touch with everyone over the summer so we fixed up a low-organisation event in th...

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by Lucy Moore

After several large Messy Fiestas, it was good to have a cosy intimate gathering at St Andrew’s in Paddock Wood near...

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by Lucy Moore

One of the best things about this job is meeting great people and I was glad to remind the people gathered at a school in ...

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Messy Fiesta in Bedford

17th Jun 2008
by Lucy Moore

We were delighted to welcome some 50 delegates to the Bedford Messy Fiesta on Saturday, about 15 of whom had already start...

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