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by Lucy Moore

Captain Sean Andrews of the Church Army had organized this Messy Fiesta as training for the children’s leaders’...

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by Lucy Moore

And the rest of the Barnabas Team have been busy with Messy Church as well. Chris Hudson visited one up in the north-east ...

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by Lucy Moore

It was a long hot haul from Portsmouth to Newcastle for the Newcastle Messy Fiesta, but it was well worth it, with 58 peop...

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Variations on a theme

3rd Apr 2008
by Lucy Moore

It’s very exciting to see the different ways churches are adapting the basic Messy idea – my colleague, the es...

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by Lucy Moore

How very interesting. And moving. And thought-provoking. Amidst great fear and trepidation, we held our first Messy Commun...

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Back from Lee Abbey

15th Feb 2008
by Lucy Moore

Happy days… just back from a course at Lee Abbey focusing on Messy Church with about 20 wonderful people, ranging fr...

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31st Jan 2008
by Lucy Moore

Back on 28 November 2007 I wrote about applying for money from the Diocese to do some pioneer work on discipleship with Me...

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by Lucy Moore

What fun it was (as well as a privilege) to speak about Messy Church at the Children’s Ministry Conference again thi...

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The Directory

28th Jan 2008
by Lucy Moore

I’m well chuffed with the steady trickle of Messy Churches coming on to the Directory. This will be really useful, b...

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Foiled again!

4th Jan 2008
by Lucy Moore

Oh dear. My cunning plot to save frantic ringing round the planning team at the last minute each month, saying desperately...

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End of Term Messy Church

21st Dec 2007
by Lucy Moore

We really thought there would be no one this month – well, perhaps a faithful few. Messy Church was scheduled to be ...

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Running after God

28th Nov 2007
by Lucy Moore

Things move on so fast! Suddenly we have new possibilities opening up for building our Messy Community. The deanery has fu...

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