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by Lucy Moore

Planning meeting last week: lots of time saved, I hope, by having had time over the summer to plan a programme longer than...

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by Lucy Moore

Two things to talk about today: the first is the PCC meeting last week where I did a catchy-uppy report on Messy Church to...

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Messy Church review

14th Jul 2007
by Lucy Moore

We had a plethora of visitors at Messy Church from Worthing, Bournemouth and Hayling Island, which was very pleasant, but ...

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by Lucy Moore

Last night was the last Messy Church of the term, the last of the three on ‘Love your God / neighbour / world, and w...

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Dinner with Jo

6th Jul 2007
by Lucy Moore

Have decided to do what I should have done three years ago, if I had a brain or the vision of a small wombat, which is to ...

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