Table sheets

Published 21st September 2012 by lucy moore

At teatime at Messy Church today we put out a scribble sheet on each table with a pencil. Here are the two questions and the answers. I wonder what you would conclude from the answers? For me they say something about the importance of food, especially cake; an appreciation of the fellowship and welcome people receive; the way the unpremeditated spontaneous elements of Messy Church can be the most enjoyable (we had no plans to make a bus out of chairs); the importance of providing havens of quiet within the messiness and of giving people opportunities to pray both in community and on their own in the space, and the value of participation in the celebration rather than just listening.
But who, why or what a pink steat is, I fear I have no idea.

What’s been the best thing at Messy Church today?

Singing message of God
Seeing the children enjoying themselves
Quiet church time
Making the butter
Teatime food
Playing it and seeing all the nice people here
Printing people to make the 5000 men
Fruit tasting
Bread basket making
The brilliant acting in the service!
Making a bus out of chairs
Eating cakes
Cutting up apples
Making picnic cushion
Making picnic cushion
Painting tea towel
Making and decorating a tube
Eating peas
Making apple sauce
The fruit
Pink steat
Meeting people and having fellowship while making butter!
Arriving just in time for food having not eaten since breakfast – was yummy thanks
The cake

When did you feel closest to God?

Eating the cake – it was heavenly
During the story
Sitting in church when everyone was in the hall
In the church
Seeing so many people here
Tasting fruit
When I did some acting
When we sung the prayer
When it’s quiet!!
Having tea
When quiet time
When on the loo
When going through difficult time

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