The Gospel according to You

Published 22nd July 2010 by lucy moore

We had a fantastic day at St John’s College in Nottingham on Saturday, with 160 people turning up to hear about Messy Church. I mentioned, as I often do, that some people will never actually pick up a Bible, so our teams need to be aware that the only Bible they may read is us as storybook people.
A kind person smiled and whipped a copy of this old poem out of his briefcase. Admittedly cheesy, it still says just the same thing that I was trying to express. No idea who wrote it and there are many even cheesier versions, so enjoy!
The Gospel According to YouThe most beautiful story was given to all,Written down many long years agoBy Matthew and Mark, by Luke and by John,Of Christ and His mission below.
And you write a gospel, a chapter a day,By your deeds, whether faithless or true;So as others read it, what do they thinkOf the Gospel according to you?
It’s a wonderful story, the Gospel of love,As it shines with the Christlight divine.Oh, that its truth might be told once againIn the story of your life and mine.
You’re writing each moment a letter to all:Take care that the writing is true.It’s the only Gospel some people may read -The Gospel according to you.

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