Useful song

Published 6th January 2011 by lucy moore

One of my adventures back in December was to be invited to the Charity Events Evening held by AFD on the Isle of Man. AFD is the company behind the renowned storytelling resource Friends and Heroes. I spent a brilliant evening meeting some very wonderful people and being inspired by the different charities represented, then had an evenful journey back as the snow meant all flights were cancelled. I found myself on a ferry and a long train journey with a delightful trombone-playing Christian who bore my inevitable seasickness and trainsickness (why do I still suffer from these humiliating conditions that I should have grown out of when I was six? Why?) with great fortitude and fed me cappucinos at regular intervals. Anyway, I digress. The point of this is to pass on a resource which might be useful if you’re ever exploring the question of material wealth in a world of need. It was used on the evening to great effect. It’s ‘Portia’s Song’ and can be found here. Enjoy.

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