Winsford Fiesta

Published 12th July 2011 by lucy moore

Jane, connoisseuse of many a buffet lunch, writes:
Winsford Fiesta seemed to go really well and I loved working with Alan and Helen who had important input and messy sense of humour to make the day go along with a swing. The ‘light lunch’ turned out to be the biggest ham salad in the world and to die for desserts! Some email feedback so far:
Thankyou so much for our training day today at Trinty Methodist Church in Winsford. I really enjoyed it.
Keep spreading ‘Messy Church as I believe it is God’s will.
Well! I spent a very sleepless night after the day in Winsford!! My mind just wouldn’t switch off as I’d got ideas etc. whizzing round my brain! Thank you so much for all the inspiration you planted and I’m going back to Church to try to get others to take up this challenge – we’re in need of this if our families in the community are to be introduced to Jesus.This is the start of my emails to you for help and support.

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