Christmas around the Fire

Published 21st December 2023 by Sally O'Hare

We’re hearing some lovely stories of Messy Churches trying out December’s Get Messy! Vol 1 session – Christmas around the Fire.

Sonia Baidoo writes, ‘Please thank John White for us from St. Richard’s Messy Church, Charlton.  His plan for Christmas helped make our Messy Church feel very special.  Although it was designed for outdoors, we were able to do an indoor version.’



Meanwhile, just down the road, East Greenwich parish Messy Church Goes Wild gathered in the outside classroom and community garden of St. Mary Magdelene Church of England school on Greenwich Peninsula.  Blessed with a chilly by dry afternoon, they were delighted to welcome both new and returning families of all shapes, sizes and nationalities.  As the sunset, they made candles bags, before gathering around the firepit.

Chaplain Rev. Dom Hubbick writes, ‘We considered how we need light for life and how to shine our lights, even when it feels dark.  As we thought about the Christmas story, we ate sweets, shared our hopes, sparkled with sparklers, toasted marshmallows and sung carols.’

We continue to pray for all the expressions of Messy Church meeting this month – that they will joyfully retell the coming of Jesus, a saviour – good news that will cause great joy for all people!





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