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Messy Vintage is a missional offshoot of Messy Church, which began in a Methodist Church in Jersey. It is a movement that takes Messy Church values and good practice to older people.

Messy Church discipleship isn’t about numbers. It’s about how we’re moving towards Jesus and becoming like him - as individuals and as a community, no matter how slowly. It’s about how we’re growing in our knowledge of God and in warmth towards him and his people.

Messy Church Goes Wild is the movement within Messy Church which aims to encourage Messy Churches to meet God outdoors, love the natural world, experience a sense of awe and wonder there and to be more eco-aware in all we do, both inside and out, as gathered and dispersed church, for the good of the planet.

Messy Church leaders use science to explore aspects of the Christian faith, and demonstrate that faith and science are complementary.