We’re very conscious that holding Messy Church as usual during this time of COVID-19 is out of the question, and that you may well be wondering about ways of being Messy Church without going to Messy Church. The question might also be in your mind, ‘How do we use the session material in the magazine when we can’t meet together?’
So we’ve adapted the Get Messy! magazine sessions into Messy Church at home sessions to show how this can be done! These customised sessions can be printed off or sent electronically to your own local Messy Church families and team only. We hope they’ll be helpful. Please note we’re unable to give permission for material from the magazine itself to be circulated in this way. See here for further info.
The magazine has always been as much about building up the Messy community through editorials, articles and stories as much as through the sessions themselves, and we trust these will remain as interesting and encouraging as ever. We’d also like to offer you a gift of a free book as an encouragement at this difficult time. Go here to download, using the promo code GMDISCIPLES (offer valid until Tuesday 30 June 2020).