Did you know you can download the Messy Church logo with festival headers and even create your own customised logo on our website.
Messy Church Goes Wild
Why not take your Messy Church outdoors with one of the Messy Adventures? ‘Wild and wilderness’ explores Luke 4:1–13 and encourages us to journey with Jesus into the wilderness. Before you dive into your first Adventure, make sure you read the supporting documentation on how to use the Messy Adventures, and for inspiration for your outdoor celebrations and eating together.
Units in books
- Messy Easter: Chapter 1 – Lent Messy Church
- Messy Church 2: Unit 5 – Lent
Free Messy downloads
- Be still (Psalm 46:10)
Search the BRF Resource Hub for more Lent ideas. You can also check out the Messy Church Lent and Easter Pinterest board.
Books to give as gifts
BRF Lent reading: a selection of books for reading during Lent as possible gifts for your Messy team.
Messy Church Goes Wild
Go on a Messy Adventure with ‘Wild life!’ to discover the key story of utter change – the resurrection of Jesus and Christ’s victory of life over death and the hope of renewal they bring to people and the whole earth.
Units in books
- Messy Easter: Holy Week Messy Church, Easter Messy Church, prayers, food, games, Easter trail and much more!
- Messy Church: Unit 11 – New life in Jesus
- Messy Church 2: Unit 7 – Spring festivals
- Messy Church 3: Session 4 – Easter
Get Messy! magazine session material
- *NEW* Get Messy! Volume 2: Jesus cares for us: Jesus’ last meal with friends (John 13 – 17)
- Get Messy! Volume 1: Seeing is believing (Luke 24:1-12)
- Get Messy! January- April 2023: Redeemed (Matthew 27:45-56)
- Get Messy! January–April 2022: The greatest love story ever told (Matthew 26:1–5)
- Get Messy! January-April 2021: The stone’s been rolled away (Matthew 28)
- Get Messy! January–April 2020: The biggest miracle ever (John 19:26–35)
- Get Messy! January-April 2019: Always with us (Matthew 27—28)
- Get Messy! January – April 2018: Second chances (Luke 23:32–43)
- Get Messy! January – April 2017: Mary anoints Jesus (Mark 14:3–9)
- Get Messy! January – April 2016: Unbelievable truth (Luke 24:1–12)
- Get Messy! January – April 2015: Loving Easter (John 3:16, 19)
- Get Messy! January – April 2014: Messy Gethsemane (Luke 22:39–43)
Free Messy downloads
- Messy Thomas (John 20:24-29)
- Emmaus Road (Luke 24:13-35)
- The Last Supper (Matthew 26:17-30)
- Messy Palm Sunday (featuring the infamous ‘squonk’!)
- Messy Easter at home 2020 (John 20:19-23). Accompanying Facebook video available here.
- Messy Easter at home 2021 (including Poppet the puppet video and scavenger hunt resource)
- Authorised Mess: Light, love and life (1 John)
Search the BRF Resource Hub for more Lent ideas. You can also check out the Messy Church Lent and Easter Pinterest board.
Books to give as gifts
- The Easter Story: for families to share by Martyn Payne
- Easter Family Time by Lucy Moore
Can you help us?
Did you know you can support the work of Messy Church by buying your Easter cards from BRF Online.