The Messy Church values
Messy Church is a church that helps people encounter Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Messy Church values are about being Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration.
Messy Church is part of BRF Ministries, which believes, with the historic churches, in one God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, usually called the Holy Trinity. BRF Ministries, acknowledging God’s revelation in Christ, confesses the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the scriptures. These scriptures are the Bible, composed of the Old and New Testaments. No other book is regarded as of equal importance.
Find out more about the Messy Church values
Download the values icons in black
Download the values icons in white
If your Messy Church subscribes to and promotes these values and beliefs, we are very happy for you to use our Messy Church name and logo. We understand that ideas may need to be contextualised for your local church/situation and this may therefore involve adapting certain elements of Messy Church. However, we want to ensure that the core values of Messy Church are maintained by churches using the name and/or logo. We would therefore ask that before you call something ‘Messy Church’, you ensure that you’re clear what Messy Church is and that using the name is appropriate in your context.
A useful touchstone might be to ask yourself what a family would feel if they came to your Messy Church after belonging to a Messy Church that has the values above: would they recognise it as part of the same ‘family’? If the activity you are running doesn’t subscribe to these values, you are welcome to use the ideas and resources you find on this website, but you may not use our Messy Church name and logo.
The Messy Church name and logo
The Messy Church® name and logo are registered trade marks of Bible Reading Fellowship, a charity (233280) and company limited by guarantee (301324), registered in England and Wales. All goodwill and all unregistered rights arising from their use remain with BRF Ministries. We are committed to protecting our trade marks and will take action against any infringers should it be necessary.
We reserve the absolute right to withdraw use of the Messy Church name and logo if at any time we become aware of anything within your Messy Church that conflicts with our Messy Church values, or that we believe might damage the reputation of Messy Church or its parent charity BRF Ministries. In particular, we are passionate about protecting children and young people, and as a Messy Church you must adhere to health and safety and safeguarding laws and guidelines and have an established health and safety and safeguarding policy in place which you can provide on request. BRF Ministries cannot be held responsible for any matters relating to health and safety or safeguarding in respect of any Messy Church.
Download the Messy Church logo
Each download is a .zip file which contains the logo and our brand guidelines. Please ensure that you read and adhere to the brand guidelines when using our logo.
Please choose the correct download for your region.
Example | Description | UK, US, Australia, New Zealand and Canada |
Rest of world |
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Messy Church logo | ||
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Messy Church logo with festival headers (Advent, Christmas, Easter, Harvest, Lent, Pentecost, Remembrance, Thanksgiving) | ||
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Messy Church logo with headers related to Covid-19 and lockdown (At Home, Goes online, In a bag, Live, Messy Nature, Postponed) | ||
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Llan Llanast logo | ||
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Messy Church logo with your own customised text | ||
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Messy Church Goes Wild graphic |
Using the logo online
If the logo is used online, please include the credit line ‘The Messy Church® name and logo are registered trade marks of Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF), a charity (233280) and company limited by guarantee (301324), registered in England and Wales’ at the bottom of the page, and if possible hyperlink the logo to
Frequently asked questions
Can I buy Messy Church branded publicity materials?
BRF Ministries has a licensing agreement with Christian Publishing and Outreach (CPO), an organisation that produces church publicity materials and resources for outreach and evangelism. CPO has produced a range of publicity materials for Messy Churches, including options that can be customised. Visit their website to see the range.
If you buy Messy Church resources from CPO, you are also supporting BRF Ministries’ Messy Church programme, which is funded almost entirely through donations and grants. Income generated via the sale of CPO merchandise makes a modest but important contribution towards enabling us to resource this ministry.
Can I produce my own publicity materials using the Messy Church logo?
If you wish to produce a poster/leaflet/banner for your own church’s use, using the Messy Church logo, this is fine with us. You can design your own poster, leaflet or banner and get this printed by your local printer, as long as you follow our requirements about how the Messy Church logo appears. We stipulate that you must not change the logo in any way and that you send an electronic copy of the proposed design to for approval.
If you would like to use the logo in a professional magazine or newspaper (such as a news item or feature) please contact us to request permission.
Can I sell my own Messy Church publicity materials to other churches?
You cannot do this without our consent and a licensing agreement with BRF Ministries.
What happens if a printer wants to produce and sell Messy Church publicity items?
If a printer is asked to produce a poster/leaflet/banner for an individual or church, then this is fine. However, if a printer wants to start selling more of these materials to other churches, they cannot do so without our consent and a licensing agreement with BRF Ministries.
What about aprons, clothing items and mugs?
Subject to our agreement, you may produce this yourself – for you and your church’s use only. We will need to approve the item via before you arrange for it to be printed/produced. If you wish to sell the item to other churches, you cannot do so without our consent and a licensing agreement with BRF Ministries.
If what you want to do is not on the list above and you have not gained our approval, then it is likely that your proposed use of our marks will infringe our rights. We are committed to protecting our trade marks and will take action against any infringers should it be necessary.